I have a confession to make. How many times has this happened to you? I know I am not alone!
This is what happened in my office the other afternoon-
I sat here and before I knew it, I was down the rabbit hole of checking Facebook and looking at pretty Instagram pictures and dilly dallying around. I wasted over forty-five minutes of my time that I had to work today. It’s not the first time that it’s happen to me and I’m sure it has happened to you as well.
I tried to think, “Why did that happen? How did I let that happen? I wasted almost a hour of my time this evening.” I realized I didn’t plan properly and when I spend time planning in my business and prioritizing and really scheduling so I know what I’m doing and when I’m doing it, I have great success. I surpass my goals. I meet all of my sales goals and things go really well in my business. I needed a little kick in my butt. I want to share with you what I do and what systems I create and how that works in my business to keep me focused so what happened to me tonight, doesn’t happen again.
The first thing I do is I sit down and I do a real big brain dump. Anything I’m thinking about, things I have to get done in my business immediately, things that I have upcoming in my business that I want to get done for the future and things that I want to put on the back burner. I find it really helpful when I can sit and do a full brain dump and really clear my mind. I personally like to do this in the evening. It allows me to shut off my day. Everything’s out of my mind and I know it’s written down. I can pick it up the next day. You may be the type of person that would prefer to do that in the morning before you start your work day.
The second thing I then do is I prioritize it. I go through my whole list in my brain dump and I highlight what I need to get done immediately and what is really going to move my business forward. I think about what is going to help me close the deal, connect with new clients, sell our programs, etc. I then prioritize what needs to get done in my business. After I’ve done that, I then schedule it. I am a huge fan of the planner pad. I’ve been using the planner pad for years. I’ve gone through a few other systems hoping I might like them. I got drawn into the pretty factor of some of them but I’ve always come back to the planner pad. The reason I love the planner pad is because it has a very clear funnel down system.
I schedule the tasks I need to do and I prioritize what week I’m going to be doing it. The exact day of the week I’m going to be doing it and the exact time. If I don’t schedule it down to the day and the time, it’s not going to get done. Once it’s in my planner and I put it there in pen, you can be darn sure that I’m going to complete that task.
The next thing I like to do is have some accountability. It’s great if you can have a Mastermind Group. You can have a group of friends that you can get together with, who are also in business, to hold each other accountable. This could be through a paid Mastermind Group. My Mindful Mastermind program is for Wellness Professionals who are really ready to move forward in their business. I have another one starting up in September so if you’re interested, let me know. I’d love to connect with you.
I encourage you to follow my 4 steps for success in your business when it comes to planning:
1. BRAIN DUMP everything that you’re thinking about and need to get done in your business.
2. PRIORITIZE- What needs to get done first in your business and what can wait?
3. SCHEDULE IT & BE SPECIFIC- Exactly when are you going to complete that task that is going to help you move forward in your business?!
4. ACCOUNTABILITY- Either holding yourself accountable, checking in regularly with your goals and what it is you need to get done or find a group who can help you do it.