The details are finally here! I know you’ve been hearing me talk about it since last November! Our 2016 Business Retreat For Wellness Professionals will be held at Le Nordik spa. For those who are not in the direct Ottawa-Gatineau area, Le Nordik is a beautiful Scandinavian spa with hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, nice warm pools. It’s beautiful. I absolutely love this place! It’s where I go to escape and relax.
I find when I go and spend time there and really spend time on me, I can think clearer when I come home which is, as you know, great for a business owner! When we are able to settle our minds we can then create a clear path to move forward.
I have rented one of the beautiful lodges there. It has a huge board room, lovely kitchen and lots of different sitting rooms, has a gorgeous deck overlooking into the Gatineau Hills and the Outaouis region.
I want you to save the dates for Tuesday, November 15th and Wednesday, November 16th. Registration for the biz retreat is open Tuesday and you can check out all of the details HERE.
We only have 20 spots available on the Tuesday for the biz retreat. We’re calling it “Biz Retreat & Learn”. The Tuesday is jam packed with amazing speakers and topics. Learn from experts who are in the field of video, podcasting, social media, creating your sales funnels.
Then on the Wednesday this is our planning day focus. “Biz Retreat Plan & Succeed” We’re going to take everything that we’ve learned and put it into action. Create a plan that leads to your success and checking off goal after goal for 2017. I know and you know that after you learn from all those amazing experts, you’re going to want to put pen to paper the next day and create your solid plan for the year.
I know from experience when I really sit down and map out my year I have great success in my business. I look at what my sales goals, how I am going to reverse engineer that to meet my sales goals for each quarter or each month, what sort of content I need to create in my business, how I am going to focus my social media and where I want to move in my business.
We’re going to give you tons of time to map that out too. There’s going to be a lot of time to create your email marketing campaigns, your content calendar, sales funnels and anything else you would like to focus on.
I love sitting down and mapping out my email newsletters for a month at a time, two months at a time, a quarter at a time with what my focus points are. Because when I plan those things out and I have it written down with a due date of what I need to send out,they always go out on time. When I don’t plan, when I don’t create that content ahead of time, when I don’t set that deadline, it doesn’t get done. I know you understand this too.
When I’m not creating that content, when I’m not staying in touch with my clients through my email newsletter list, when I’m not ensuring that I have up to date information and I’m taking time to connect on my social media platforms, business starts to go down. But when I do focus on all of those things and create those deep relationships and have consistency in my business I reach my business goals.
If you want to stay a bit later each day for networking, mingling, socializing, you can stay with us and enjoy the lovely scenery of Le Nordik for a little bit of relaxation. Maybe a lovely glass of wine. I know I will definitely be heading to the spa after each day for some R&R.
If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments below. Send me an email. Let’s connect. But most importantly, save the dates now. I cannot wait to see you there. It is going to be so much fun!