I often hear from clients that it is hard to maintain their Facebook page or they are trying to figure out why they are not getting enough traction on their page.
It may be time to give your Facebook page a lift and to get a little bit more momentum going. You want your Facebook page to help give you exposure to your ideal clients and build meaningful relationships.
Here are my tips to help you get the most out of your Facebook page:
- Client’s perspective – Take a look at your Facebook page from your client’s perspective. What sort of first impression would a new visitor to your page receive? What impression is the person getting who has been following your page and business for the last year?
- Content reflection – Are you offering consistent content that is on brand? The content that you create and curate, does it reflect your brand and is it of interest to your ideal client?
- About section – Is your description in the about section detailed and correct? Does it reflect what you really do and offer? Is your contact information clear and concise? Test it out! Does it go to where you want it to?
- Test all your links – Learn from my mistakes! For the longest time, our website URL was leading to a dead page because it was incorrect!! Test out your links and make sure they go to where you want them to!
- Cover photo – When was the last time you updated your cover photo? When your cover photo is static and it remains the same for months and months people start to not take notice of it. Keep your cover photo fresh; change it up from time to time! Put a new call to action, share a special event you have coming up or a brand new product! When you update your cover photo make sure that you add a description so when people click on it, they can learn more information.
- Post regular content – There’s tons of tools and tricks that can help you really minimize the time you spend on your Facebook page and social media sites, but still maximize what you’re getting out of it. Remember our blog post on social media scheduling tools? I also find it helpful to block off time and create and curate content in bulk.
- Get to know your insights – They are not overwhelming. They are not scary. I promise you. Schedule the time once a week, to pop in and look at your page insights. If you don’t know what is happening, you don’t know what to continue posting and what information to share about.
- Pages to watch – When you scroll down your Facebook insights, there’s going to be a spot where you can put in pages to watch. I want you to think about some businesses who either attract similar clientele, but are in a different market, or who have the same target audience as you. Watch how others pages are doing. Watch what they are posting and how much engagement they are receiving. Keep an eye on what is happening outside of your own Facebook page insights.
- Facebook Page URL – Did you know that you can create your own specific Facebook page URL (i.e. facebook.com/LLYoga instead of having a big long number as part of our URL. Make it specific so it is easier for people to remember and to search).
Start to implement some of these changes one by one and before you know it your Facebook page will have an entirely new face!